How to reset the password in LARAVEL 9?

How to reset the password in LARAVEL 9?


1 min read

Send Forgot Password EMAIL to reset password.

We have already covered Laravel installation and Laravel Auth Scaffolding.

Next, We will cover forgot password flow using Laravel/UI.

Step 1

Gather SMTP Details, you can use any SMTP but for this tutorial I am going to use MailTrap, this is an email testing tool you can use while developing any SMTP feature.

The Detail we require are


We have to update these details in .env file.

Step 2

Now go to password reset route /password/reset you will see the reset password page.

Reset Password

Now enter the registered email address and click on Send Password Link.

Email Link Sent

You should get an email in MAILTRAP Inbox.

Reset Email Look Like

Once you click on Reset Password Button from Email you will land on the Change password screen.

Reset Password Page

After you enter a new password you will redirect to the homepage.

Reset Password Success

The Complete Video Tutorial is below in the video.

If you face any issues while implementing, please comment on your query.

Thank You for Reading

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